Feel the Stress? You're More Likely to Have a Heart Attack
Want to double your chances of a heart attack? Just make sure you feel stressed all the time. Now, really, who doesn't feel that way? Between work, family, home, activities -- who can possibly do it all and not feel a smidgin of pressure? But a new study has found that people who feel they are stressed are far more likely to suffer heart disease than those who simply don't. (I'd like to know who these people are.) The findings, by French researchers, showed that "people who believe that they are stressed—and that the stress is affecting their health—have more than twice the risk of heart attack as those who don’t feel that way," according to Beth Greenfield at yahoo.com. “This indicates that individuals' perception and reality seem to be connected pretty well,” lead author Herman Nabi , of the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research , told Yahoo! Shine in an email. “In other words, people seem to be aware when stress is af...