
Showing posts with the label androstenol

Powerful Partners: Men and Their Sweat

Did you know that men who sweat together play well together, too?  A new study has confirmed that something in a man's perspiration can entice other men to be more cooperative and generous, according to a story by David Worthington. "Men with higher testosterone levels are more susceptible to suggestion from their clammy compatriots," he writes at It's hormones, a Finnish study has found, according to Worthington, and it's one I've never heard of: androstadienone.  Apparently this pheromone influences male decision-making behavior, Worthington reports. Studies are underway to see if this hormone can also determine whether “an attractive and dominant male can be a valuable potential mating partner for a female,” or a “competitor for another male." Worthington relates. We know pheromones as the "sex" hormone but it looks like it has other uses, too. At one time, it was thought that women were attracted to men's sweat