Too Fat? Pay More
OMG. Now before I get on a flight, I have to be weighed? Thank God I'm not planning on flying Samoa Air anytime soon. They're now weighing passengers to charge them based on how many pounds they carry. If they deem you "overweight," you will pay more. Oy. It's not bad enough having to go to Weight Watchers every week and step on a scale that someone else sees first while everyone around you wonders whether it's bad news or good. Now I have to get on a scale at the airport? I used to be afraid of flying. Now I'm just afraid of having to get weighed. You know other airlines will be joining the crowd, now there's a new way to make a buck. And here's another interesting fact about weight: the fattest countries in the world are "Caribbean nations like Jamaica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Trinidad and Tobago," as well as "Latin American countries like Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Venezuela, Bolivia and Peru," according t