
Showing posts with the label dysmorphia

Ha! Move Over, Women. Men Feel It, Too.

So it's not just us.  Men feel it, too. Guilt and shame are what motivate many of us to go to the gym.  Men feel embarrassed about their body fat , too, a new study has found, and it's fueling a rush to the gym. According to, psychology researchers from the UK and Australia discovered that while male attitudes towards muscle or body mass index (BMI) did not predict how frequently they would attend the gym, their perceptions of body fat did. The researchers found that men worried about body fat were more likely than others to undertake spontaneous, unplanned work-outs - and warned that these "sporadic" exercise patterns tend to be difficult to sustain over time. The findings raise questions over the effect portrayals of the 'ideal body' online and in the media have on healthy exercise behaviors in an era of  "selfies." This has important real-life implications for health and exercise professionals and their intervention