Get Cancer? How Much Money Do You Make?
A new study has found what many would like to know. If I live in a certain place, what are my chances of developing cancer? Elise Sole reports at that your chances of having certain types of cancer may depend on how affluent your neighborhood is, and that some cancers tend to seek out the poor, while others, the rich. "In wealthy areas of the country, more common cancers include testicular, thyroid, melanoma, breast, and cervical," she writes. But in poorer areas, it may not be luck so much as "certain risky" behaviors that make you more vulnerable to cancers in other parts of the body. In poorer areas, cancers include cancers of the penis and cervix, which are linked to sexually transmitted diseases (but don't forget Michael Douglas, with his cancer of the tongue); cancer of the larynx, which can be caused by smoking, drinking , or HPV; liver cancer, often linked to drinking and hepatitis (which can be contracted by needle sharing); and K...