Your Child Likely to Share His Toy? Maybe, Say Experts
Did you know there are places in our children's brains that tell whether they will be generous or not? According to a new study, University of Chicago developmental neuroscientists have found specific brain markers that predict generosity in children. Those neural markers appear to be linked to both social and moral evaluation processes, reports. Although young children are natural helpers, their perspective on sharing resources tends to be selfish. I remember when my son was little, I don't remember too many times when he gave away his prized Lego figures to his friends, or vice versa. More likely, it was snatch and grab, and then screaming. "We know that generosity in children increases as they get older,” said study co-author Jean Decety, the Irving B. Harris Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the university. “The results of this study demonstrate that children exhibit both distinct early automatic and later more controlled patterns of...