Want More Happiness in Life? Just Give Up
Who hasn't heard "where there's a will, there's a way"? Usually when someone wants you to do something you don't. Save $100 every month from your paycheck (my husband). Lose that 10 pounds. Tell your partner you'll be home on time -- even though you never are (again, my husband). Now a study is saying there’s more than one way to gain a sense of control over your life, according to new research from Johns Hopkins University, as reported by newswise.com. The traditional view of a life in control is one in which an individual has taken actions to ensure success in both the near and long terms, says study author Erik G. Helzer, an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School . This is “primary control” ― the attempt to win mastery by striving for goals and asserting one’s will upon circumstances. But, Helzer argues in a recently published paper, another method, “secondary control,” has been given short shrift in both the sc...