What Would Have Saved Alison Parker and Adam Ward?
Probably this is the last thing you would think about if you were planning to end your life , but did you know that the way we make decisions can affect whether life pushes us to this dire action? According to newswise.com, difficulty making choices is one of the factors that make certain people vulnerable to suicide. Now, does that mean if you can’t decide between a Big Mac and a Whopper for lunch, you’re going to go out and get a gun? Obviously not. But in light of the recent awful killing of two journalists in Virginia this week, was that murderer obsessed with choices he couldn't make sense of, or grapple with? We'll never know. I'm not looking for sympathy for him. What he did was heinous and he deserved to rot in prison -- or die slowly, painfully -- if he hadn't killed himself. It hardly matters, in the end. But researchers have found that high-risk decision-making was prevalent among many parents of indiv...