Leave a Bad Boss Before a Good One? Maybe Not
Okay. So one boss lets you leave early to go to your kid's soccer game. She always remembers your birthday. And when a project you're working on gets, well, screwed up, she considers it just a lesson for next time. Another boss takes the whole department out to lunch, except for you, and makes you work late on your birthday. And when a project you're working on -- with the whole team -- goes AWOL, guess who's the only one who gets blamed? I actually had a boss like that. Now, which boss do you think most people would leave? If you guessed both, you'd be right. A new study has found that when fast-rising employees quit their jobs for better pay or more responsibility at another organization, the knee-jerk reaction may be to blame their leaving on a bad boss. Although the common perception is that workers join companies but leave managers, new research by a University of Illinois business professor shows that workers leave good bosses, too, acc...