FOMO? It's Killing Our Kids (And Us, Too)
FOMO. No, it's some new cereal or chocolate drink. And it's making millennials freak out and desperately try to avoid it. It's Fear of Missing Out . And this new behavior angst is quickly taking a toll on Generation Y—and it’s probably causing damage to your own life, according to Do you have trouble sitting through a movie without obsessively checking your phone? Does your family complain about your constant social media habit? If you panic at the thought of not having a window to the world, you may be experiencing FOMO—which was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. Living our lives through this virtual filter isn’t really living at all—it only fuels an anxious mindset that we must be ‘missing out,' the web site reports. But it's not just limited to millennials. I find myself panicking, too, when I can't get to my email or my texts. With at least 24 percent of teenagers online ‘almost constantly,’ it’s no sur...