Guided By Your Gut Or Your Head? It Matters in the Work World
I'm one of those people who basically only operates on her gut. It's been right a lot of times. Meeting my husband and knowing he was the one (at least, at that time!). Making new friends. Knowing whether a potential boss is really right for me. Now a new study is saying that, when it comes to empathy, don't trust your gut. According to, empathy is more the result of logic than emotion. "Cultivating successful personal and professional relationships requires the ability to accurately infer the feelings of others -- that is, to be empathetically accurate. Some are better at t his than others, a difference that may be explained by a mode of thought," says Jennifer Lerner, PhD, of Harvard University, a co-author of the study. "Until now, however, little was known about which mode of thought -- intuitive vs. systematic, offers better accuracy in perceiving another's feelings." You'd think that would make men better a...