Always Late? You Must Just Be Getting Older
I've never been late in my life (if you don't count my birth, when I waited a week). But a new study says that I'll be late soon. It comes with age. Supposedly that's because young and old use different strategies to estimate the passage of time, according to I have a friend who was perennially late. We'd make plans for lunch and I -- always early -- would be sitting there steaming as the minutes ticked by. I knew she was always trying to always get just one more thing done but I took it as a personal insult, that I wasn't important enough for her to be on time. Ironically, we're still friends. And now she's early. Newswise reports that people rely heavily on time estimates of past experiences to plan for future tasks and that outside influences, such as background music, can skew our perception of time, causing even the best-laid plans to go awry. “Our results suggest time estimates of tasks that we need to incorporate...