Do Your Co-Workers REALLY Like You? How to Tell,and Why It's Important
Now here's a scary thought. What do your c o-workers think of you? A new study says, people who don't like you, you might not have a clue. “We looked at whether people understood what other people in the workplace thought of them,” says Hillary Anger Elfenbein, professor of organizational behavior, at “You tend to know who likes you. But, for negative feelings, including competitiveness, people had no clue.” Researchers initially surveyed salespeople at a Midwestern car dealership where competition was both normal and encouraged. A second study included surveys from more than 200 undergraduate students in 56 separate project groups. All were asked similar questions about their co-workers, and what they assumed those people thought of them. When the responses about competition were analyzed, the results were striking: While there were those who were pretty detached the their co-workers, they completely canceled out. In other words, co-workers have...