Have an Abusive Boss? After a While, The High Disappears for the B(_tch)
You reprimanded your executive assistant for not reserving the correct seat on your flight to Tucson. You did not invite the employee who missed a deadline to lunch with the rest of your staff. You lowered another's performance review because he reminds you of your husband. Sound familiar? One of those happened to me and I can say for sure that abusive bosses exist. Why do they do it? Some believe it's to make themselves feel better. But duh, according to a new study, they don't feel good for long, newswise.com reports. Being a jerk to your employees may actually improve your well-being, but only for a short while, suggests new research on abusive bosses co-authored by a Michigan State University business scholar. Bullying and belittling employees starts to take its toll on a supervisor’s mental state after about a week, according to the study. “The moral of the story is that although abuse may be helpful and even mentally restorative for super...