Eat Your Age

Now we're learning that foods that did us well in our 20s -- fortifying our bones and genes -- may not do the job in our 40s.

According to a story at Redbook/Healthy Living, salmon is good for 20-year-olds because it fights depression, which most often appears between the ages of 15 to 34.  Salmon contains serotonin (which people pop, in artifical form, in Prozac and Zoloft et al).

But in your 30s and wanting to get pregnant, switch to a spinach omelet (and include the yolk), the article suggests.   Both contain choline, an element babies' brains need for development.

In your 40s?  Lean beef and broccoli.  Find that boring?  It may help you avoid cancer and heart disease later in life if you confine your beef-eating to two or less days a week, Redbook/Healthy Living reports.

For those in their 50s, the magic food allegedly is yogurt, either non-fat or low-fat (I learned recently that low-fat is better than non-, because non- contains more sugar to taste better).  Women need it for bone strength, since estrogen is decreasing.  Everybody else?  Eat low-fat cheese, orange juice with calcium (but watch the sugar) and skim milk.

In your 60s, pretty funny. But the beauty food is beans.  All kinds.  Lentils, chick peas, kidney beans, lima beans, soybeans, beans, beans, beans. That's because beans can replace meat as your protein and help you avoid some of the dangers of red meat.  They also contain potassium, which can bring your blood pressure down, important for people -- especially women -- who, at 55, have twice the amount of heat attacks of younger men and women, Redbook/Healthy Living says.

And if you're in your 70s or 80s?  Faggedaboutit.  The story only goes as high as your 60s.  I guess that means you can eat, drink and be merry, whatever you want.  If you've made it this far, you deserve it.


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