Did Adam Lanza's Mother Smoke?

A shocking new study has found that children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to grow up to be aggressive and antisocial, according to newswise.com.

This, despite whether their mothers smoked during pregnancy or either parent had a history of antisocial behavior.

“Secondhand smoke is in fact more dangerous that inhaled smoke, and 40% of children worldwide are exposed to it," Linda Pagani, of the University of Montreal and its affiliated CHU Sainte-Justine hospital, told newswire.com. It's especially damaging if a child is exposed to secondhand smoke when young when his brain is still developing, she noted in the article.

Pagani went on to tell newswire.com that 40% of children worldwide are exposed to it, a very frightening statistic when you think that some of those kids may grow up to be Adam Lanza.

The Web site reports that although no causal factor has been definitively established, "The statistical correlation suggests that secondhand smoke exposure does forecast deviant behavior in later childhood."

You'd think that being a smoker isworse than being around smoke from someone's cigarette. But that's just not true.  When you're smoking, you're only getting 15% of the toxins, while the other 85% goes out into the atmosphere.

Pagani also said that few studies have been done on the prolonged influence of secondhand smoke, pointing out in the article that "sidestream" smoke is far more dangerous than "mainstream" smoke because "because it contains a higher concentration of many dispersed respirable pollutants over a longer exposure period."

Exposure to smoke in a developing nervous system can cause low birth weight and "slowed fetal brain growth."

Previous studies "looking at groups of children have generally asked mothers whether they smoked or not, and how much at each follow-up, rather than asking whether someone smoked in the home where young children live and play,” Rick Nauert, PhD,  quoted Pagani in another article.

By fourth grade, children who were exposed to secondhand smoke reported themselves as being "more aggressive," Pagani said.

So what does this mean overall?  Are kids exposed to secondhand smoke (I was one) destined to grow up to enter classrooms with rifles, God forbid?  Most likely not.  But it is seeming to be more and more the case that children who might grow up to have mental illness exhibit tendencies earlier in life.

Another new study has found that identifying "young people at high risk for psychosis and providing rapid access to multifaceted treatment is highly effective in preventing a first episode of psychosis," Megan Brooks reports at medscape.com.

So if we can just get there early enough. . .


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