Getting Your Fruits and Vegetables? Study Says No

So you've given and added bananas to your breakfast.

But guess what?  A new study says most adults need to double their fruit and vegetable intake.

New research published in the September issue of the British Journal of Nutrition highlights a significant shortfall in fruit and vegetable consumption in people’s diets around the world, according to

Research finds the majority of adults worldwide would have to at least double their current consumption of fruits and vegetables to meet the World Health Organization’s minimum recommendation of five servings (400 grams) per day.

Additionally, the vast majority of adults worldwide – 60 to 87% across 13 geographic diet regions – are falling short of this recommendation and missing out on crucial nutrition and health benefits.

The gap between the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables and what adults are actually eating also indicates that most adults worldwide are not receiving the quantity or variety of phytonutrients – organic compounds found in fruits and vegetables – potentially needed to support their health and wellness.

And we all know (or should) that fruits and vegetables can help reduce your cancer risk. These foods contain important vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants and they’re usually low in calories. In general, those with the most color – dark green, red, yellow, and orange – have the most nutrients.

The American Cancer Society says we should eat 2 1/2 cups of these foods every day (think of a half of a baseball as a half a cup).  So come on, people, eat up!



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