Leave Your Ego at the Door

You might think this has nothing to do with you -- wingsuit flying, that is.  That's where crazy people strap on wings and attempt to fly in wind currents.

But there's a lesson here in those who push themselves to the limit.

Researchers from Leeds Beckett University are challenging the myth that extreme sports enthusiasts push themselves to the max and take risks no matter what the consequences.

Wingsuit flying is a relatively new parachute sport which involves a specifically designed jumpsuit that facilitates forward motion and directional control, according to newswise.com. It is considered the most dangerous parachute sport as it involves flying close to structures at speeds of over 200 mph, where a mistake or accident would most likely result in death, the web site maintains.

“When you think of the people involved in such extreme sports, you tend to think of risk takers who push themselves to the limit," says Dr Eric Brymer, a Reader in the Carnegie School of Sport.  "However, what this research has found is that this is far from the truth. The pilots we spoke to are careful, logical and don’t take any unnecessary risks. They are the opposite of what you would expect.”

During the research, six wingsuit flying pilots from across Europe were interviewed about their experiences. The key themes that emerged were know thyself; know thy skills; know the environment and tame the "inner animal."
“It’s always the same questions: Is it worth it? Is it giving me enough satisfaction and pleasure to be worth it?" asks Steve, one of the pilots.   "The day it would not give me satisfaction and pleasure, I would quit. You ask yourself a lot of questions.  In a sport like ours, it’s a question of survival. If you’re not perfectly in the present moment, if you’re not ultra-connected with your environment, like an animal who’s hunting, you take many more risks.”
So how does this compare to business?  
“If you’re pushing your own boundaries too quickly then you’ll be like a horse with blinkers on," expalins another pilot. "I’d say probably it’s not about having big balls anymore, because the technology is so good. But it’s about arming yourself with knowledge and longevity."
See any connections?
“I try not to push past my limits," he adds. "I try and just run it 50 to 70% all the time to ensure my safety. I don’t run it at 100%. I’ve seen many friends die because they were running at 100%. I think you’ve got to leave your ego at the door with a lot of these sports.”
Another pilot, Pinky, agrees. “You have to know your limits, otherwise you are just out of control.”
“Contrary to what people might think, wingsuit flying pilots’ stories do not revolve around conquering and overcoming the environment or the weather conditions, but instead they portray a sensitivity and responsiveness to what is going on around them," Dr. Brymer goes on..
“Self-knowledge, the ability to tune into the environment and the courage to walk away are clearly important elements for the safe and optimal execution of proximity flying. The pilots we spoke to highlighted the importance of values, of a proactive process of tuning into the self and the environment before flying and of an ongoing process during flight; the ultimate aim being to live to fly another day. Focusing on performance outcomes can result in reduced awareness of capabilities which ultimately leads to a greater danger.”
Hmm.  Maybe you should show this to your boss.


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